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Welcome Mid-Prairie
& friends!

A variety of graduating classes were represented at the Mid-Prairie Alumni & Friends Association organizational meeting in November 2017.
Front row L to R: Cindy Marner '76, Hanna McDowell '03, Stacey Beeler '07, Sarah Huston '00, Danielle Johnson '05 Second Row: Sue Schweinfurth '81, Brittnee Schneider '10, Tara Horesowsky '10, Mitch Billups '02, Claudia Bishop '67, Kari Harland '97, Heather Trimpe '98, Doug Slaubaugh '63 Back Row: Terry Mangold '65, Tom Duwa '73, Rob Stout '74, Jack Seward '74, Glenda Seward '74, Katie Miller '01, Jeremiah Gingerich '96, Kent Karnes and Greg Gent '82. Not pictured: Jeremy Statler '90, Dale Stout '62, Lola McAndrew '75 and Cheryl Miller '66.

The Mid-Prairie Foundation has discussed on many occasions the possibility of organizing a Mid-Prairie Alumni & Friends Association to better connect with alumni and to support alumni related activities. A small group of alumni met on August 21 to discuss their interest in establishing an alumni group and to establish initial priorities of this group.  The top priority was clearly an alumni newsletter followed by school assistance with connecting to classmates and organizing five year reunions.

Mark Schneider, Superintendent, and the MP School Board were impressed by this initial interest and have responded by hiring Kristi Strickland as a Communications Specialist for our district. Kristi began her work out of Central Office in late October and has been working hard to connect with alumni from every decade to gather information for our first alumni newsletter.

A second meeting of the alumni group was held on November 29.  The goals of the second meeting were to discuss ideas for the first newsletter, to connect with each graduating class by identifying a class representative and to discuss steps needed to officially form an alumni association with an Alumni Association Board and bylaws directing the group. During the meeting, alumni were divided into groups according to the decade in which they graduated. Group discussion was guided by a worksheet that each alumni filled out and was focused on ideas from each decade for inclusion into our first newsletter. All alumni are invited to complete the worksheet to assist Kristi Strickland in preparing upcoming newsletters. The worksheet can be downloaded and returned to A committee was also formed to create a packet specifically designed to assist classes with organizing their five year reunions.

A third meeting took place on March 6 to preview the initial newsletter and to move forward on establishing an alumni board and bylaws. The following board members include:

We appreciate the interest of the alumni who have attended the initial meetings, volunteered to be a class representative, and especially those who have agreed to serve on the board.

We encourage all alumni to be a part of the newsletter by submitting ideas, photographs and memories of your time as a Golden Hawk.

MP Foundation
MP Alumni & Friends Association

The Mid-Prairie Foundation was organized in 1987 to create a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization which allows gifts provided to support the school to be tax exempt. Some of the projects currently supported by the Foundation are:

      • Awarding endowed scholarships to seniors   
      • Feed the Kids Program
      • Fund for Academic Excellence
      • WCRF Grants
      • MP Indoor Facility Project
      • Teacher Recognition
      • Future School Auditorium
      • School Assemblies
      • Establishing a MP Alumni Association
      • Dollars for Scholars Affiliation

A brochure with more specific information about the MP Foundation can be downloaded.
The Foundation has grown to the point where organizing an alumni association would help us do a better job of networking with more alumni.  The alumni association would focus specifically on supporting alumni related activities. Activities that have been discussed in our initial meetings include:

      • Receiving newsletters with a variety of articles, notices and updates about alumni
      • Provide assistance in organizing five year class reunions
      • Support in maintaining a database through feedback from newsletters
      • Work with MP Foundation to organize all school reunions and honor alumni for outstanding achievements in a variety of areas.
      • Provide an opportunity to work with the school board and MP Foundation to support and promote excellence in education at Mid-Prairie Schools

The Mid-Prairie Foundation welcomes the newly formed Alumni & Friends Association and looks forward to working together on promoting pride and educational excellence with our schools as well as celebrating the achievements of our alumni.

Download the Mid-Prairie Foundation Brochure 


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